

sun valley

Leif and I just returned from 6 days in Sun Valley with Papa Jeff and Baba Melody! We joined friends Art, Christine, and 3 year old Nils for a week of hot, dry, and sweaty. Mr. Dada stayed home and worked worked worked on the remodel - thank you. Leif did great on the 10 hour drive each way...watching Robin Hood, eating snacks, looking for radio towers and combines. We were so impressed. By the end we both really needed to be home in the garden and with Britton, but overall it was a fast and fun trip.

The first day was spent going to the 4th of July parade in Hailey, swimming at the pool, and then checking out the rodeo. Day 2 was mountain biking 6 miles up to a lodge for lunch - you've never seen anything more hilarious than a group of bikers consisting of one Grandpa riding with grandson in a trailer eating carrots, one gigantic pregnant lady getting sunburned, one Dad with a 3 year old on the tandem trailer, and 2 normal ladies picking up the rear and helping push up the big hills. At sea level perhaps a normal sight, but at 6800 feet it was more on the comedic side. Leif and Nils got along most of the time (except when there were sticks and rocks involved) and kept each other amazingly entertained.

Day 3 was another bike ride to throw rocks in the creek and check out some swans. Day 4 was a gorgeous hike through aspen groves and wildflowers. I felt really good (although I required a nap in the afternoon) and had less puffy feet than normal so perhaps the altitude and the exertion were just what I needed to get through another week.

We are so happy to be home, this morning we picked raspberries and the last of the strawberries and are getting ready for some hot kitchen canning.

(P.S. Thank you for all the well wishes on Luna's birthday.)

Hyndman Valley


Jeff + Leif

Leif, Baba, Papa

Leif + Nils



Hyndman Hike


Julie said...

R, your photo skillz amaze me! I'm hopin' and waitin' and wishin' for a nice camera someday soon! Can't wait!

I've been wanting to ask you a question. Not that it is any of my business, but I wonder why you haven't seen a doctor for this pregnancy?

I love it when I met people that go against the norm. I find inspiration from it, and it helps me to consider my own options. Really, there is no reason to attend regularly scheduled appointments like convention would recommend, especially if the mama feels comfortable with how the pregnancy is progressing. Anyway, I am speculating, and curious. You can respond to my email (found in my profile) if you'd like. I would have emailed you, but I didn't see a link.


starparticle said...

Hi Julie -

I've been using my regular midwife for prenatal care. I didn't mean to connote that I don't ever see doctors, but my midwife covers all the basics plus some: ultrasounds (have had 2), GD tests, monthly check-ins...There are many things I prefer to opt out of because I feel them to be either inaccurate, expensive, or unfounded like Gestational Diabetes, FTP, routine u/s, and manual checks...

I know that most people find these tests comforting - we don't :)

Guarding any complications this baby will be born at home just like Leif. Guess I should make a whole post about this!