

Third trimester, here we come!

Only 88 days to go! Ha.

Now that I'm 27 weeks we are officially into the really pregnant, somewhat grumpy, slightly uncomfortable, why is 9 months so long stage. According to all those junk sites here is what is going on:

"Welcome to the third trimester! If your baby was born in week 27 of pregnancy, he or she would have a 90 percent chance of surviving. This period of pregnancy from 27 weeks onward is known as within the period of fetal viability.

Keep in mind, though, that there is still a lot of development that will occur during the next 13 weeks. When you're 27 weeks pregnant, your baby measures about 9.6 inches crown to rump, and weighs a little more than 2 pounds. Other fetal development that is occurring when you are 27 weeks pregnant includes the following:

- The network of nerves to the ear is completed
- The baby takes some breaths, and although breathing in water, not air, it is good practice for the lungs
- Eyelids begin to open, and the retinas begin to form
- Your baby may be able to recognize your voice and your partner's voice."

What they fail to mention is that your brain will officially begin to hyperventilate over the lack of cleanliness or organization in your life. So, in the time between now and labor day (Sept 1st - the official "due" date) we need to finish:

- One upstairs bathroom from studs to tile
- One downstairs master bedroom
- One baby sister's room
- One chicken coop
- Etc, Etc.

Leif is getting very excited about "my baby sister!". He tells me about getting her milk, feeding her apples, and being so generous as to give her his bed while he sleeps with us. Thoughtful, that one. He is mostly ready for her arrival, he's been out of diapers for a couple of months and has been sleeping (mostly) in his little "big boy!" bed for the past week. Only a couple of midnight wandering events. He is also starting a pre-school program in September for part of the morning and is already asking why he can't go now.

He also ominously told me "Mama, it's okay. The doctor is going to cut your belly and take the baby out. But that's okay. Then we are happy!". I have no idea where he got this idea - I have yet to even see a doctor for this pregnancy! It still freaked me out a bit. Reading into every little thing would be silly, right? I mean, this is the same kid who told me "At night, I get bat wings and fly to Nona and Granddad's house and you miss me so much but then I get scared and fly home on the airplane". Gotcha.

I suppose I should take some pregnancy pictures. Maybe later.


Anonymous said...

"Leif, will you ever be mean to your baby sister?"
"No, Tita. No."

I can't wait to remind him of this the first time he locks her in the bathroom after he takes a big, stinky poop.

Anonymous said...

which of your big brothers did that to you? let me guess..

Anonymous said...

Orlando was positive that the baby was going to be a girl (and so was I, in fact), but then, Mica arrived and he is all boy!

Leif is a cutie.

Anonymous said...

Oops I thought Tita was Gianna.